Monday, December 7, 2009

What can you do to make a difference in the life and future of your child?

I have posted these 3 video you tube links for my Kumon families. If you are interested in knowing what the latest statistics and trends in the field of education are in America, then you cannot afford to miss these short, but extremely informative videos. Please feel free to pass on the links or the blog website address to fellow parents.

While the statistics and the focus of the message covers the American Education system, the questions we must ask ourselves are, "Can we relate to any of this?" "Could this statistic include our child too at some point?” “Does what happens in America affect us here in Canada?” By relating this to a wider thought of 'Western Education' rather than just 'American Education' we allow ourselves to see the bigger picture. In addition because the U.S. and Canada are so strongly aligned, the information in these videos is vital to helping parents develop tools to address the most important question of all: "What can I do to make a difference in the life and future of my child?"

2 Million Minutes Offers Exclusive Video of Whitney Tilson

When it was announced that Whitney Tilson was going to be giving a speech in Washington D.C. about closing the achievement gap, the 2 Million Minutes crew packed their gear and headed up to the nation's capital to capture it. Tilson is vice chairman of KIPP Academy Charter Schools in NYC, co-founder of the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, and a director of Democrats for Education Reform, a group of Democrats who support parent and student choice in schools and diversity in available education opportunities in service of that choice.

This most informative presentation is in 3 parts with the you tube video links given below. Please copy n paste if you are not able to click on the link directly to open them.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

What I found quite interesting and thought provoking was the statement in the the last video which shows how it is mainly the 'Adults' or the 'Educators' or the 'system' itself that are benefitting today from the education system of today. Unfortunately it is the children, our children, that are largely left to suffer the consequences in the long run. Having said that, of course we must take this with a pinch of salt, for we all have memories and moments with teachers and educators that have made every difference to our personal lives and continue to do so in the lives of our children by giving so much of themselves personally as well as professionally.

Monday, November 30, 2009


When the report cards come home, it can be just as stressful for parents as it is for students.

As a parent, it is important for you to know how to interpret your child's report card and what to do if your child is struggling. Whether your child is a high achiever who needs more challenge or a struggling student who needs more help, it’s important to discuss your child’s successes and failures, and to follow up.

A report card can be a valuable tool as a guide to your child’s progress. But like any tool, it has to be used properly. Parents should not simply read the report card, but should understand what it says and talk with their children and their teachers about what it means. Educators at Kumon Canada have compiled the following tips to help parents better understand their child’s report card:

· Pay particular attention to the comments regarding Strengths/Weaknesses/Next Steps sometimes the teacher’s comments mean more than the actual grades that are given.
· Look at the grades that your child is getting in areas that he/she is interested in; this provides a view of your child’s potential.
· Expect highs and lows – very few children are talented in all areas of the curriculum.
· Use the report card in a practical way; get help immediately for subjects where your child is failing or receiving low grades.
· Look for key phrases like “organizational skills”, “focusing”, “non-completion of work”, and “lack of preparation” to track down what is going wrong in a particular subject.
· Pay attention to the section that deals with “days absent” and “times late”; this may provide a clue that you, as a parent, may not have been aware of.
· See if your child is having difficulty in specific areas that could be improved with an addition of some technology, either high- or low-tech (e.g. computers, calculators, electronic organizers, etc.).
· Always fill out the section on the report card where parent comments are requested; these are read by teachers, and as a last resort you may have to contact the principal if you cannot reach an accommodation with the teacher concerning your child’s needs.

· If your child's grade is relatively low in a particular subject, compare your child's grade to the rest of the class before you panic.
· If the class average or medium is below 60 per cent, parents should talk with the principal about whether the teacher is too stringent in marking -- obviously, many in the class are not learning.

· Pay attention to the I.E.P. (Individual Educational Plan) box; if it is not checked off, then your child’s program has not been modified for his/her special needs.
· A child should never be receiving a failing grade in a subject where the I.E.P. box is checked off; this is grounds for an official grievance by the parent to the school.

Bear in mind, a report card should quantify what you are already aware of. Any surprises should alert you to a changing situation in your child’s educational progress which should be immediately addressed.

Do let your Kumon Instructor know when you feel the program has made a difference in your childs report. It is always a thrill for us to know that we have played a small part in your childs success.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kumon Reading Curriculum - Learning Material

The Kumon Reading Table of Learning Material consists of the following levels; 7A 6A 5A 4A 3A 2A AI AII BI BII CI CII DI DII EI EII F G H I J K L

In this beginning level of the Kumon Reading Program, young children start to build the necessary pre-reading skills they will need to become beginning readers. Children will begin to connect words to familiar objects and will repeat words starting with the same sound.

"In 6A, children are exposed to rhyming words, phrases, and sentences. Students continue to develop critical pre-reading skills, including phonemic awareness," in preparation for later phonics study in 5A and beyond.

Phonics exercises help students learn individual letter sounds and consonant-short vowel combinations. Students increase concentration, improve hand-eye coordination, and develop writing skills.

More sound parts, including consonant clusters, are introduced. Students trace words and begin freehand letter writing by filling in missing letters within words. These exercises, as well as exercises that focus on rhyming words, help develop students' spelling skills.

Students develop greater pencil control by writing properly proportioned and spaced letters within box guidelines. Students develop their ability to read longer words through exercises focusing on syllables. Spelling skills are developed throughout the level, and for the first time, students demonstrate reading comprehension through matching exercises.

Students identify nouns, verbs and adjectives, and use them within sentences. Students learn the singular and plural forms of nouns and verbs, and the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. Spelling skills are reinforced throughout the level.

Level AI marks the beginning of the Sentence Building Block. Students study the structure of simple sentences and learn expressions which convey attitude or intention, such as "can," "must," "may" and "should." Students learn to write negative sentences, questions, and sentences using the past tense. Punctuation exercises appear for the first time. Students continue to develop their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

Through reading stories and answering questions, students improve their reading comprehension and writing skills. Technical skills such as punctuation, spelling and capitalization are also solidified. Students develop the ability to recognize a sequence of thoughts developed within a short paragraph.

Students refine their ability to identify subject and predicative in longer sentences containing modifiers such as adjectives and adverbs. Students conjugate irregular verbs, as well as study pronouns, prepositions and irregular plurals of nouns.

Students focus on reading comprehension and vocabulary building. Students develop their ability to define words using context clues in the stories; to identify main ideas that occur within a story to better understand the story as a whole; and to compare and contrast actions, characters and information from a passage.

In Level CI, students further refine their ability to identify subjects, verbs and objects, as well as learn how to conjugate the future, progressive and perfect tenses. Students' punctuation study continues with commas in a series and singular and plural possessives. By the end of the level, students write complete sentences independently.

Level CII is the last level on the Sentence Building Block. Children continue to develop their reading comprehension, vocabulary and writing skills. Students develop their ability to construct and respond to questions using who, what, where, when and how; to interpret information in charts as well as take information from passages and organize it into a chart format; and write answers independently.

Level DI marks the beginning of the Paragraph Building Block. Students learn to write compound and complex sentences by combining simple sentences. Then, students learn to extract statements from paragraphs to identify a statement as a single unit of thought. Students also expand their vocabulary by studying selected words from expository passages.

Students continue to build their reading comprehension by identifying the topic and then the main idea. Using their knowledge of main idea of a paragraph students then develop their understanding of how paragraphs flow within a passage. Students also practice expanding their vocabulary by studying selected words from literary and expository passages.

Students learn how clauses can function as nouns, adjective, or adverbs. In addition, the student learns to convert direct speech to indirect speech and vice versa. Diagramming exercises enable the student to visualize information within a passage, which helps develop his or her ability to follow and organize content logically. Students also expand their vocabulary by studying selected words from expository passages.

The student develops a better understanding of a story's sequence of events and imagery. Diagramming exercises help the student visualize a story, and learn how events in a passage affect a certain result or outcome. Reason and logic exercises build the student's ability to compose answers and develop skills of rephrasing. Students also expand their vocabulary by studying selected words from literary and expository passages.

Level F is the last stage of the Paragraph Building Block. Paraphrasing and concision exercises show students how to combine, condense and rewrite information found in a reading passage. The ability to identify the main topic and elements of a paragraph is emphasized and practiced. Vocabulary exercises also assist students in successfully paraphrasing.

Level G marks the beginning of the Summary Block. Students learn to condense all the important information from a passage into a summary one third of length of the original passage. Students are formally introduced to story elements such as plot, character and setting. Included in the level are excerpts from the writings of Edgar Allen Poe, Louisa M. Alcott, and Oscar Wilde.

Students develop greater sensitivity to authors' use of descriptive language. Summation exercises help students focus on specific points within passages. Vocabulary exercises introduce Greek and Latin suffixes, prefixes and roots. Included in the level are excerpts from Jane Eyre, Treasure Island, and The War of the Worlds.

Students analyze the persuasive writing style found in speeches, advertisements and political documents. They also learn the components and strategies of the more formal 'argument'. The level concludes with a study of précis, the most complex form of summary. Among the readings included are speeches by Dwight Eisenhower and Albert Einstein, and fiction by General Durrell and Agatha Christie.

Exercises which focus on more subtle details of structure, theme and character lead students to a closer reading of text than in previous levels. The reading selections develop students' understanding of how a writer's intentions are reflected in various aspects of the work under review. Students read extensive excerpts from To Kill a Mockingbird, Pride and Prejudice, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Level K continues to develop students’ critical reading and thinking skills through the study of advanced literature. In introductory sets throughout the level, students read non-fiction pieces introducing and explaining various literary terms such as Plot, Setting and Atmosphere, Irony, and Comedy. In subsequent sets, students then read extracts from novels, plays or poems, demonstrating these devices in action. Students read extensive excerpts from classics such as Macbeth, Hamlet, and King Oedipus, as well as from more modern works such as The Spy Came in from the Cold, and The Importance of Being Earnest.

Students gain a greater ability in understanding the meaning of a text beyond the obvious, common meaning of the vocabulary the author uses. Students are exposed to the basic elements that comprise figurative language and the interpretation of it, making them better able to decipher the plot, the values in which the author might believe, and the virtues and vices of the characters involved in the story.

How Kumon is filling US Public School gaps

Something magical is happening at many Kumon centres in North America, students are studying beyond school grade level and actually enjoying it. Not surprisingly, their parents have great things to say about Kumon.

One mom, Sandy Frazier, said: "Kumon gave my son the challenge that he needed. He wasn't challenged in school. I started him in Kumon in the fourth grade and he reached algebra before middle school."

Another mom, Kim McCarley, said: "We initially got our children into Kumon to help with giving them a foundation for math and reading. The thing we really like about Kumon is that our children don't just learn math and reading, but it's set up in a way that allows them to master math and reading. They don't progress until they master something. Whereas in school, it's once you have knowledge of, an awareness of, you move on. At Kumon, it's once you master it. And I think that's a big difference in that foundation for them."

Adoline Shodiya, credits Kumon for the success of her two daughters. Tayo recently graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a degree in biomedical engineering, and Titi is in her final year at Penn State University studying material science engineering with a minor in math.

What is Kumon? It's an after-school math and reading program that employs a unique learning method designed to help each child develop the skills needed to perform to his or her full potential. The curriculum ranges from preschool to high school.
Founded by Toru Kumon in 1958 in Japan, Kumon has 26,100 centers in 46 countries and regions serving over 4.1 million students worldwide, making it the largest and most established program of its kind in the world.

Kumon broke into the North American market in 1983. Now boasting 1,300 centers and 194,000 students in the U.S., Kumon has surpassed competitors Huntington Learning Center and Sylvan Learning.
The shortcomings of public schools have fueled Kumon's robust growth. In less than a decade, the number of Kumon students has doubled.
As public schools have progressively embraced reform math over traditional math and whole language over phonics, the continent has fallen farther behind other nations in scholastic performance.
Many U.S. public schools are not doing a good job of teaching students basic skills in math and reading, which is why many parents are sending their children to Kumon.
Kumon has found what works and has not tinkered with that successful formula for over fifty years. During those same fifty years, the U.S. public education system has gone through several waves of reform, none of which have led to a successful formula.

In "Learning for Life: The Kumon Way", author Reiko Kinoshita writes that the foundation of the unique learning method used by Kumon—called the "Kumon Method"—can be traced back to the Edo period (1603-1868) in Japan. During that period, private educational institutions known as "terakoya" taught basic skills. The terakoya were abolished in 1872 when the Japanese government established a compulsory public education system. However, the tenets and practices of the terakoya would resurface 86 years later through the work of Toru Kumon.

I learned that the Kumon Method consists of seven principles:
1 Students experience success from the start. After taking a placement test, students begin learning at a level below their current proficiency level. This reduces frustration and builds confidence.
2 Students advance in small, manageable steps. Each new assignment is only slightly more challenging than the last. Advancing is gradual and easy.
3 Students learn primarily by teaching themselves. Kumon instructors assign worksheets that provide examples of concepts to be learned.Students solve the worksheets on their own. If they have problems, instructors are there to help. Self-learning fosters independence and a sense of accomplishment.
4 Students master concepts before advancing. Mastery means earning a perfect score on a worksheet within a prescribed period of time. There are 200 worksheets for each level of learning. Some students may develop mastery after one worksheet while others may require several. Mastering basic concepts establishes a strong foundation for more advanced concept.
5 Students practice daily. As the saying goes, "Repetition is the mother of all learning."
6 Students learn at the "just right" level. Each student studies according to his or her own pace and level regardless of age or grade level. In a Kumon classroom, each student is studying different concepts. Learning at the "just right" level prevents students from becoming bored with a pace that's too slow or frustrated with a pace that's too fast.
7 Students realize their potential. Unlimited by age, grade level, prescribed teaching agendas, or the needs of a group, each student can advance according to his or her ability and initiative.
The Kumon Method works. It works for the 4 Million children around the world that do Kumon.

As long as public schools fail to provide students with a strong foundation in basic math and reading skills, Kumon will be there to fill in the gaps.

Bill Costello, M.Ed., is an education columnist and blogger. He can be reached at

Monday, September 28, 2009


Lets Get Back To Worksheets

The U.S. is falling behind the world in math. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said, "We are lagging the rest of the world, and we are lagging it in pretty substantial ways."

A special analysis put out by the National Center for Education Statistics found that the math performance of U.S. high schoolers was in the bottom quarter of the countries that participated in the most recent Program for International Student Assessment.

Results of the 2009 ACT and SAT show that U.S. students are no better in math this year than they were last year. Math performance has improved in other countries while it has remained stagnant in the U.S.

These findings are disturbing in an increasingly global economy where careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are becoming progressively more important for nations to compete internationally.

According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, the proportion of students obtaining STEM degrees from U.S. universities has dropped from 32 percent to 27 percent over the past decade. At the same time, the percentage of non-U.S. students earning these degrees from U.S. universities has increased dramatically.

In The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Friedman argues that getting more Americans to pursue careers in STEM fields is critical to the future of our nation's economy. Friedman is not alone in his opinion.

The National Science Foundation reports that non-U.S. graduates from U.S. universities accounted for more than half of the doctorate recipients in physics (58 percent), computer sciences (65 percent), engineering (68 percent), and mathematics (57 percent). The most numerous of these non-U.S. graduates were from China, India, and South Korea. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that over 40 percent of non-U.S. doctoral degree recipients intended to leave the U.S.

Not only are we losing ground to non-U.S. citizens at our own universities, but we're also falling behind other nations. The U.S. is no longer the leader in STEM education. In absolute numbers, Japan and China are producing more graduates. Our rate of STEM to non-STEM graduates is roughly 17 percent while the international average is nearly 26 percent. We're not even keeping pace with some developing countries.

President Obama has acknowledged that other countries--especially Asian countries--are performing better in math than the U.S. How does he plan to prevent us from falling farther behind?

In the U.S., we used to focus on basic computation skills when we taught students traditional math. Ever since the U.S. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics developed standards for school math in 1989, many U.S. schools starting teaching reform math.

Recently, I visited schools in Japan and Taiwan. I found they're teaching math the way we used to teach it; they're focusing on basic computation skills.

Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea--all top performers in math--are also focusing on the basics. Even the cram schools, which are prevalent in Asia, focus on the basics.

The largest and most established cram school in Asia is Kumon. I visited their head office in Tokyo to interview public relations executives Mayu Katata and Shinichiro Iwasaki about the Kumon method. In a nutshell, they focus on using worksheets to help students master basic computation skills.

Traditional math emphasizes basic computation skills and algorithms that lead to the correct answer while reform math places more value on the thinking process that leads to any answer.

Both of these skills are needed. However, the major problem with reform math is that it puts the cart before the horse by trying to teach students abstract concepts of math before they have built strong foundational skills. With traditional math, students often work individually on worksheets. With reform math, they often work in groups cutting, pasting, and coloring.

Sure, worksheets and algorithms are boring compared to gluing stuff and explaining how you came up with an answer that may not even be correct, but which method will better prepare our students to compete in an increasingly global economy?

America, let's get back to worksheets.

This very interesting article is by;
Bill Costello, training director of Making Minds Matter, teaches parents and teachers the best strategies for education. He can be reached at

Monday, September 21, 2009



My job is to awaken the possibility in my students. I know I am successful when they are able to progress steadily, are confident enough to ask for a review or to move on, are actively involved in feedbacks with me and when this independent learning has a trickle effect on other subjects and areas of their lives.
1. Be interested in your subject. (Being an instructor for a number of years now I realise this has to be as much a calling in life as well as a successfully run business)

2. Know your subject. (By attending regular training, going over case studies, completing worksheets, learning from excellent students)

3. Know about the ways of learning: The best way to learn anything is to discover it by yourself. (The same applies to adults as much as it does to children)

4. Try to read the faces of your students, try to see their expectations and difficulties, put yourself in their place. (Please parents do understand that center time is meant for your children strictly, you are free to call or email on non-center days)

5. Give them not only information, but "know-how," attitudes of mind, the habit of methodical work. (by timing your work, daily worksheets, daily marking & corrections, review when required, copy the example given and fully understand it before moving on, ask for help only after you have tried it first, discipline & routine, taking responsibility)

6. Let them learn guessing. (and then correcting!)

7. Let them learn proving. (and proving again and again sometimes!)

8. Look out for such features of the problem at hand as may be useful in solving the problems to come — try to disclose the general pattern that lies behind the present concrete situation. (too easy? too difficult? boring? takes too long? not enough motivation? frustrated? not enough support from home? scared to ask for help? perfectionist?)

9. Do not give away your whole secret at once — let the students work at it before you tell it (let them find out by themselves as much as is feasible, these are skills that are transferable to other subjects and other areas of their lives and that will last a lifetime)

10. Suggest it (do not force it down their throats, let them come up with the solution - learning how to learn, again a transferable skill)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009



Program completion is the ultimate goal of the Kumon Math & Reading programs.
`Every child has the desire to grow further as well as the potential to do so. As we respond to such desires that can be developed without limits - we believe this not only brings happiness to children and their parents, but is also very important for society.`

Students who have completed the Kumon Reading Program have built skills in close reading and reading comprehension, and can think abstractly, analytically and critically. They have built a strong academic background in preparation for advanced high school and university or college-level English courses. Students who have been exposed to the variety of genres included in the Reading program often have a richer understanding of history, math, science and literature. Kumon focuses on all of the skills that are necessary to help students succeed in their academic pursuits. The Kumon reading program is designed for `education that helps children understand how society in structured and how our lives should be`

  • for knowledge
  • to learn
  • for fun
  • to do research
  • for studying
  • for information
  • to relax
  • interesting subject
  • for instructions (`how to`)

  • eye catching front cover
  • information on the book cover
  • interesting title
  • authors we know and like
  • great illustrations
  • recommendations form friend, family, friends
  • another book in a series
  • books that are turned into moviesĂ© tv programs
  • genres that we like
  • to try the beginning
  • new and popular books
  • heard it read aloud
  • read it before and enjoyed it
  • part of a book club

MAKING GOOD BOOK CHOICES EASY: want to relax, a favorite picture book or storyline, you have heard it read aloud before, a book you have read before, does not take a lot of effort to read and understand.
JUST RIGHT: understand it well and enjoy the flow of writing, enjoy the unfolding of the plot or the enjoy the topic at hand, only a few new words or phrases to think about, can get lost in the book and cannot wait to turn the next page, would highly recommend it further.
CHALLENGING: difficult for you to read, trouble in understanding many of the words or the phrases, too complicated a plot.

To find what is the right level or the recommended books, inquire about the Kumon Reading Recommended Library list (RRL). At the Kanata North Kumon Centre we have almost 80% of the recommended books plus a lot more for our students to read. We also offer the book tracker. This maintains a record of all the books you have read either while in the program or from an outside library too and has been designed for the child to write a `book report`in their own words and thoughts. This allows for creativity and a vivid imagination.

In addition, students enrolled in both the Math and the Reading Program at the Kanata North Kumon centre are automaticaly entered in the reading scholarship program ($500 plus gifts and certificates from the centre and Kumon head office) once they complete the reading program (Level L) successfully.

This year we are please to announce 2 reading completer's and winners of the reading $500 scholarship. These students are currently also enrolled in the Kumon Math program in high levels.
  • Ravi Unhelkar in Grade 11 and
  • Rathess Aravindan in Grade 10
Congratulations to these students who have persevered and enjoyed working through the reading program over the years. It has also been my pleasure as an instructor and personally very fulfilling to plan and lead them to a successful completion of the Reading program. I wish them the same success as they continue to work through the Kumon Math program.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Learning Disabilities and Kumon

A note to Kumon parents

An individual is said to have a learning disability when he or she is not able to learn in the same way or at the same rate as the majority of others. This can have significant academic and social consequences for a child. We know that learning disabilities seem to be hereditary and that they can affect those with average and even superior intelligence. Many famous people such as Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and President Woodrow Wilson allegedly had learning disabilities. Most often, problems occur in the areas of math, reading, and communication.

In school, children suspected of having a learning disability are generally referred for a thorough evaluation by a team of specialists. It is only after a complete work-up by this team, that a child may be diagnosed as having a specific learning disability. This team follows very precise guidelines in making such a determination. Just because a low achieving child is referred for an evaluation, does not mean that the child has a learning disability.

Kumon programs can accommodate these children positively but parents of children with learning disabilities need to play an especially involved role in their child's education. Grading Kumon homework each day and providing specific praise for a job well done, are very good examples of this involvement. Praise and immediate feedback are two of the strongest recommendations made by experts who work with these children. They also suggest that the amount of work learning disabled children do each day needs to be customized in order to maximize their learning. Parents can help by keeping a close watch on the number of sheets their child does well on in one sitting and advising the Kumon Instructor of this. These parents may also find it helpful to provide their child with two shorter Kumon homework sessions each day (the first in the morning / the second in the afternoon) instead of just one slightly longer session each day. Whatever the case, it is important that this information be shared with the Instructor.

One final piece of advice for Kumon parents dealing with these students is to be persistent and consistent in all that they do with their child. Generally speaking, these children need more repetition than others to master a concept. If frustration builds or if the child loses interest in his or her Kumon work, for example, chances are that repetition is necessary. The answer is definitely not to take a break. This is because students with learning disabilities frequently have a memory deficit which means that if they take time off from something, the likelihood of their forgetting what they learned is far greater than for those without a learning disability. Though the above information is meant mostly for parents with learning disabled children, clearly many children can benefit from the suggestions shared here and the step by step mastery that the Kumon programs provide.

Andrea Pastorok,

Ph.D. Educational Psychologist / School Consultant

It's Not Always Gifted AND Talented


By Dr. David E. Weischadle, Education Specialist

It is commonplace today to rattle off the phrase, "Gifted and Talented." The words seem to go together like "bread and butter," "ham and cheese", and "left and right." In fact, it is altogether possible for a youngster to be "gifted" but not "talented."

Consider how one expert defines the words "gifted" and "talented." In considering these definitions, also think about what they tell us about our responsibilities as parents and educators.

"Gifted" is a term that describes the student as having "untrained and spontaneously expressed natural abilities" which few others in his or her age group have. In contrast, "talented" is described as the "superior mastery of systematically developed abilities (or skills) and knowledge."

So if we accept these definitions, it is easy to see how someone can have a great gift, yet never develop it. While we can do little about the basic "gifts" that we, or our children, have, we can certainly do much to develop and refine them. It is even possible to have only a slight gift and through conscientious and concerted work, develop it to its fullest.

For example, the young man or woman who can throw a ball at lightning speed has the "gift" of strength to throw the ball. Unfortunately, the ball will go everywhere and anywhere without training. It is only with practice and determination that one learns to hold the ball in a certain fashion, or move the arm in a certain way to make the ball go where it should.

Academically, youngsters may be able to read early and understand what they read. But for many of these same youngsters, their reading ability will remain only adequate if they don't read more and more as they grow older. Their ability to read may be a gift, but it is a gift that must be nurtured as the youngsters develop and mature.

And "giftedness" in itself may not be limited to academics and sports. Howard Gardner of Harvard University has developed a theory of multiple intelligences over seven fields, including both mental and physical aspects of the human creature.

Schools have been doing very positive work in identifying and developing the gifted. But sheer numbers complicate their task. As a result, the schools have focused on helping groups of similarly gifted children.

As parents, you and I have a responsibility to our youngsters. How can we make sure that the gifts our youngsters have are fully developed to empower them to be highly effective individuals? Clearly, we need to supplement what they do in school!

So, as parents, we bring our children to little league and soccer, to dance studios, to music lessons and to scout meetings, even though the schools have sports, provide physical education, include music classes and encourage positive attitudes. So, too, many parents bring their children to Kumon even though their school has math and reading programs.

Why? Because children need more opportunities to develop their gifts than schools can offer. Kumon Math and Reading Programs supplement the schools, providing more practice and added opportunity to challenge one's ability. Without this extra effort, far too many gifted youngsters enter their adulthood untalented, and unaware of their full potential.

Kumon USA, Inc. (C) 2000

Dyslexia, a Reading Disability

Dyslexia, a Reading Disability

Dyslexia: a reading disability...but not a life sentence. Dyslexia is a condition in which an individual has difficulty acquiring the basic language skills, which are necessary to learn how to read, spell, and write. Science has shown that the part of the brain that is integral to reading functions differently in those with dyslexia, the major problem being that dyslexics cannot identify the approximately 44 letter sounds and link them to their alphabetic symbols. Dyslexics may even hear language as a blur of sounds, much like a nearsighted person looks at a tree and sees a blur of green rather than individual leaves.

When children learn to read, they must first become aware that spoken words consist of pieces of sound. Next, they must learn that the letters of the alphabet are the way that we represent these sounds on paper. The majority of children learn this without direct instruction, but the dyslexic does not. A person with dyslexia needs to be explicitly taught what the rest of us take for granted and learn automatically.

The following are some of the most common characteristics of dyslexia: letter, word, and number reversals, substitutions, and omissions; the lack of recognition of words previously learned; bizarre spelling; confusion of left and right; difficulty carrying out a sequence of directions; poor reading comprehension; and difficulty organizing and completing written projects. Although many children display one or more characteristics while first acquiring the basic reading skills, most will outgrow them. The child with dyslexia, however, will not.

A substantial number of children with dyslexia (as well as with other reading disabilities) come to our Centers looking for solutions to their reading problems. Fortunately, whether their reading disability is mild or severe, Kumon can help them.

What does Kumon do for children who have dyslexia? It provides them with the structured and balanced approach to reading instruction, which they need in order to move in baby steps through practice and repetition toward their ultimate goal – reading.

Here is an outline of the program, which Kumon offers:

1. Kumon Worksheets, along with Sight Word Flashcards, build vocabulary.

2. Kumon Worksheets, CD's and Rhyming Flashcards help children learn to hear the differences in sound so that they can master phonics.

3. Kumon's Recommended Reading List of award-winning authors and illustrators immerse children into a world of compelling literature, developing their love of books, and their awareness of the written word.

4. Kumon's Reading Program includes a language arts component that teaches both grammar and punctuation.

5. Kumon methodology provides dyslexic children the practice and repetition of the basic reading skills, which they require.

6. Finally, Kumon individualizes its program for each and every student easily accommodating the child with dyslexia (or any other reading disability).

If parents know that their child has dyslexia, they should inform their Kumon Instructor so that an individualized course of study can be created accordingly - that is, one that moves in small incremental steps with lots of repetition and special attention paid to rhyming, phonemic awareness and later phonics. We know that the best time to help children to improve their reading skills are during the early primary grades; thus, it is also a perfect time for the child to study Kumon. The earlier the intervention, the better the improvement. Remember, reading skills can be improved and Kumon is the place to do this.

Andrea Pastorok, Ph.D.

Dr. Andi

Educational Psychologist

Friday, August 21, 2009

Asking for homework support can make all the difference

Educational Survey Findings
Asking for homework support can make all the difference

A new school year is fast approaching and, once again, homework will become a nightly activity. However, according to a recent survey conducted by Ipsos-Reid for Kumon Math and Reading Centres, if parents take the time now to teach their child to proactively ask for homework support, it can help them improve academic performance and enjoy a more rewarding homework experience.

According to responses from more than 1,200 Canadian parents, more than half of the children who actively engage their parents in homework support perform at an average to above average level at school.

Also, children who engage their parents in the homework process enjoy more dynamic support. From monitoring homework progress (75 percent) to discussing the assignment (75 percent), these children are turning a once tedious and stressful task into an interactive, two-way dialogue about learning, creating a more rewarding and enriching homework experience.

“Students who ask for homework assistance demonstrate ownership of their work, and an interest in succeeding”, says Dr. Donna McGhie-Richmond, education specialist for Kumon Math and Reading Centres.“ The converse is also true. Children who are struggling or feel that they aren’t succeeding may stop trying altogether. Successful homework completion will help a child do better in school, and can instill greater confidence and promote good, independent study habits.”

Parents can help by demonstrating an interest in their child’s homework, and offering support, not by completing assignments, for their child. Here are some key tips from the Kanata North Kumon Math and Reading Centre:

  • Know the school’s homework policy. Ask about the kinds of assignments students are expected to complete, the anticipated length of time it takes to complete assignments, and the expectations for parent involvement.
  • Establish a routine for homework completion. This means determining a regular time each day in a distraction-free environment with all of the tools and resources at hand, such as pens, pencils, paper, ruler, scissors, and a dictionary.
  • Reinforce good study habits at home. Help your child to structure his or her time before assignments are due. Discuss the steps that are required and map it out with respect to the amount of time it will take to complete the assignment.
  • Be available to provide support to your child. If you are not available, ensure that someone is available and follow up with your child by asking about his or her homework.
  • Enroll your child in a program that motivates independent study and instills focus, time management and confidence, like the Kumon Math and Reading Program.
  • Coach your child. Rather than telling him or her to do, provide guidance through the task with questions, such as “What do you know how to do?” and “What do you need my help with?”
  • If your child is having trouble getting started, provide some assistance. Have him or her choose a question that they know how to do. Do the first question, fill in the first blank or read the first paragraph together. Ask if he or she can do the second one alone and reassure your child that you’ll be available to help if there are any further stumbling blocks.

Check your child’s completed assignment for completeness before it is submitted, as well as for the kind of feedback provided by the teacher once the homework has been returned. Talk to your child about his or her satisfaction with the results and what he or she might do differently next time.

For more information on the Kumon Math and Reading Program, please call (613) 261-1650, or visit us online at


The first bell at school may still be several days away, but educators agree that a smooth transition back into reading, writing and arithmetic routines takes some thoughtful planning in advance by parents.

“One of the most accurate predictors of student success is not family income or social status, but the extent to which parents are involved in their children’s education,” says Dr. Donna McGhie-Richmond, educational specialist with Kumon Math and Reading Centres. “Parent involvement in education is essential for many students, reinforcing the importance of learning.”

To help your children get off to a good start this year, here is the Kanata North Kumon Math and Reading Centre’s back-to-school checklist:

  1. If your child is just beginning their school experience, discuss what can be expected on the first day such as learning class rules, catching up with friends and making new ones. Show your child the route to school and make a visit there before classes start.
  2. Get to know the teachers. Make them aware of out of the ordinary circumstances at home. Let teachers know that you expect and appreciate progress information – both positive and negative.
  3. Set up a regular place at home for schoolwork. Make sure it is well lit, clutter free, with tools of learning such as paper, pencils, pens, computer, and a dictionary and thesaurus.
  4. Involve your child in putting together a back-to-school ‘kit’ of supplies that will be needed in the upcoming year. Ask the school for ideas if needed.
  5. Establish a regular study time for your child every day. Agree on a time and stick to it. Even if homework has already been completed, use the study time for reading or reviewing the work. Mark off the time on a calendar.
  6. Enroll your child in a program that motivates independent study and instills focus, time management and confidence, like the Kumon Math and Reading Program.

For more information on the Kumon Math and Reading Program, please call (613) 261-1650, visit us online at or check out our blog in detail.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


We will be closed in the last week of July and August 2009 as follows;

24th - 31st July, re-open on Tuesday 4th August
24th Aug - 1st Sep, re-open on Friday 4th September

Note the Kanata North Kumon Centre normally closes the last week of July and August, 2 weeks in the winter for the Christmas break and one week for the March break. During this period all the children are given the homework as normal. Upon returning from the holiday breaks the reading student will normally start with either the end of their level test or the reading book tracker on the first day. The math students complete a review worksheet before moving on.

This gives us enough time to ensure that the holiday homework has been completed, corrected and understood.


Every now and then I come across the question from either one of my students or a prospective Kumon family, "What does the Kumon face portray?" or "Is this a sad face?", and I am quite happy to awnser that it isn't a sad face at all but actually represents a thinking face.


The "THINKING FACE" as contained in the Kumon logo was developed to represent not only the children who, thinking deeply as they study and gain the necessary life skills and academic ability at our centre, but also the instructor who guides the children in their study. Just like the children, these instructors are also continually learning, growing and developing day by day. The "THINKING FACE" represents the face of everyone involved in Kumon.

The most pertinent question in Kumon is, "How can I help each child progress?" Everyone involved in Kumon takes education very seriously, seeks to learn from the children. The "THINKING FACE" represents the child thinking as he or she studies. It also represents the adults who think how they can implement improvements that will benefit each child. This includes the instructors, the staff members, and of course, the parents! The development of each individual child is always the goal of Kumon and those involved with Kumon in any way. Learning from the children and with the children, is what makes Kumon so effective.

The blue colour appearing in the logo represents honesty, intelligence, and integrity, as well as the colour of the sky. The sky of course, is universal to everyone in the world, and therefore represents the universality of the Kumon method. In addition, the "sky blue" used also represents Kumon's hope that the world will achieve unity, that the future of all children will grow on a grand scale and that all people all over the world will think deeply about education.

At our Kumon Award ceremony early this year (Jan 2009), some of the younger children were painting their own medals and many choose to paint the Kumon face ........................enjoy the many faces of Kumon as the children at the Kanata North Kumon Centre see it!

Monday, July 13, 2009


I realised quite some time ago that I was spending too much time on tuition collection, following up on late fees and handling NSF cheques. Since then my research has been on to find an alternative system that will not only free up my time but as a business ensure my processses are efficient, streamlined and cost-effective for my customers.

When education is my calling do I really want to spend all that extra time on administration?
I really wish to free up my time to focus on providing a quality educational experience for my students.

Currently I am manually processing every payment and this can be very time consuming. We have come up with an alternative that will allow us to provide a great customer service and continue to build up a long term relationship while running a fair and profitable business.
We are in the process of setting up a system where we can offer all types of hassle free payment options to my Kumon families. This is also in line with our going-green plan to reduce the number of cheques that parents have to issue to us yearly not to mention how many books they need to order and thus incur extra expenses per cheque leaf. As banks continue to increase their charges and rates, cost per cheque leaf and charges for payments returned continue to grow.

This process will enable us to collect payments via Visa, Mastercard or Debit. The exact details are still being worked out. It will probably come into effect from September for new enrollments and from January 2010 for existing Kumon families. Once we are ready to move with this system a letter will go to all families to inform them of the change and the process involved for them to switch over.

So do be on the lookout for change is in the air!

Sunday, July 12, 2009



The theme this year was "Paint your own medal". Program completers painted their own trophy. What fun everyone had! Even more astonishing was the self-motivating quotes that the children painted by themselves without any prompting.

"I can do It!", "Kumon rocks", "I rock"
"I can read" .......that I must say touched me the most, can you imagine how powerful the child who had been struggling to put these strange characters together must have felt when now suddenly he can comprehend them?
"I rock the world" "I will keep on working hard" "I will complete my work........eventually" that doesn't make me very happy! But he did eventually realise that putting off to tomorrow what needs to be done today only creates a pile of unfinished Kumon worksheets and an unhappy instructor.
"The best of me" "I did it!" of my favourites. once the children realise that the reviews, persistence and daily completion really helps them to move faster, there nothing stopping them. Then just watch them go!
"Level F is hard"................that was funny, it certainly helped me plan his reviews better though had he discussed it earlier with me he might have changed his mind and painted "Algebra is so much fun!!"


This is our suggested annual activity calender; however it is subject to change, postponement or cancellation of any activity at any time without notice.

JANUARY - (1) Kumon Award Ceremony – “Every child an Achiever”
FEBRUARY - Parent calls
MARCH - March Break, one week closed
APRL - (5) Paint an Easter egg and donate to the Children’s make a wish foundation
MAY - (2) Parent Calls
JUNE - Parent Calls
JULY - (3) Ice-cream voucher, closed last week summer break
AUGUST - Ice-cream voucher, closed last week summer break
SEPTEMBER (4) Family movie/Educational documentary
OCTOBER - Parent Calls
NOVEMBER - Halloween Treats
DECEMBER - (5) Paint a Christmas tree decoration and donate to the foundation. Closed two weeks winter break.

1) Every year in January we hold our Annual Awards Ceremony where every Kumon child is honoured for their hard work and achievements through the year. Program completers are acknowledged as are milestone achieved. Scholarships are handed out to the reading completers.
2) During parent call months, the Instructor calls up families to check if all is going well, make suggestions or just reconfirm that the student is on track with their goals to become a program completer.
3) Normally in the 3rd week of July and August every Kumon student receives a free icecream voucher to use at the icecream parlour which is at the corner of Teron and Calian.
4) A family movie or documentary is chosen as a treat for the Kumon families. This can be shown either at the hall in the church or in a cinema hired for the occasion.
5) Kanata North Kumon supports the “Make a wish foundation” This foundation grants the wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions. Make-A-Wish makes a huge difference in the kid’s lives. When there isn’t a cure, there is still something positive in their lives to look forward to. By Introducing our Kumon children to be part of this we feel we have a total win-win situation. They have a fun painting activity in the seasons of giving and sharing during Easter and Christmas. The proceeds go to the foundation to help make some child’s dream come true! Every time we will request a different child/family to participate in the handing over of the cheque to the foundation.



To equip every child with crucial life skills and

K nowledge using a

U nique & proven

M ethod that builds focus, confidence and discipline, enabling

O utstanding performance, while

N urturing the whole person.



Kumon offers math and reading instruction year-round - even throughout the summer. Founded in Japan in 1958, the learning method uses a systematic approach that helps children develop a solid command of math and reading skills. Through daily practice and mastery of materials, students increase confidence, improve concentration and develop better study skills. Worldwide, there are 4 million students studying at more than 26,000 Kumon Centers in 43 countries. For more information: 1-800-ABC-MATH or your local centre in Kanata, Ottawa or visit