Thursday, March 28, 2013

Kumon Math Curriculum - Learning Materials

Kumon Math Table of Learning Material consists of; 7A 6A 5A 4A 3A 2A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O (Level O official program completion)

X SETS (Electives)

Students count up to 10 pictures and dots individually and as a group. Mastery is gradual and the eventual goal is for students to be able to say the total number of objects in each group without counting. Number sequencing is reinforced through the use of the Magnetic Number Board.

Students count up to 30 using pictures and numbers. Gradually, students learn to recognize groups of up to 20 dots without counting them individually. Number sequencing is reinforced through the use of the Magnetic Number Board.

Students learn to use a pencil through line tracing exercises, beginning with short lines and advancing to long curved lines. The curved lines gradually take the shape of large numbers. This develops the fine motor skills needed to trace and write numbers independently and teaches the natural stroke order required for number formation. Students also develop their concentration ability and learn to recite numbers up to 50.

Students learn to write numbers up to 120 independently. Students also work with patterns up to 20 dots. By learning to recognize the numbers of dots in a group without counting, students become better prepared for the addition exercises in later levels. By the end of the Level, students learn to count up to 220.

Building on a strong sense of number sequencing from Level 4A, students are introduced to addition in Level 3A. At first, students master + 1, +2, through +5 individually. The last 20 sheets of this Level are dedicated to random addition questions from + 1 to +5.

In this Level, students learn to add through to +10 automatically. This is also the Level where they learn subtraction, subtracting up to -9 by the end. It is very important that students master the contents of this Level for smooth progress in subsequent levels. Level 2A greatly develops a student's speed and concentration.

Level A continues horizontal addition and subtraction but with larger numbers than in Level 2A. This important level develops the mental calculation ability of students. By the end of it, students will be able to add advanced questions like +200 and subtract from numbers as big as 20.

This Level teaches vertical addition and subtraction. Throughout it, students will encounter their first word problems in Kumon. This Level draws on the advanced mental calculation skills learned in previous levels when students "carry" in addition questions and "borrow" in questions involving subtraction. Mastery of Level B greatly reduces errors in multiplication and division in Levels C and D.

Students master the multiplication tables by practicing until they can answer immediately. Next, students learn up to 4-digit by 1-digit multiplication with mental carryovers. Once multiplication is mastered, simple division by one digit is introduced. Students who have developed good mental calculation ability will not have to write division steps.

Students learn double digits multiplication before advancing to long division. In this challenging section, students develop estimation skills that will be necessary for future fraction work. Once students' ability to work with all 4 arithmetic operations is confirmed, they begin to study fractions, learning to reduce using the Greatest Common Factor.

Students learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions. Proper intermediate steps are emphasized. At the end of the level, students learn basic fraction/decimal conversions.

Students continue calculations with fractions, now employing the order of operations. Level F contains a challenging section of word problems, as well as more work with decimals.

Students are introduced to positive and negative numbers, as well as to basic algebra. Students use their previously learned four operations skills to master linear equations. A word problem set rounds off the level, allowing students to apply everything they have learned in Level G.

Students will learn to solve simultaneous linear equations in two to four variables. Concepts of numerical and algebraic value are strengthened. Students are introduced to transforming equations, inequalities, functions and graphs.

This level thoroughly reviews Levels G and H and introduces factorization. Factorization is an essential skill to advance to square roots and quadratic equations, also covered in the level. The level concludes with advanced topics in geometry, specifically related to the Pythagorean Theorem.

Concepts learned through Level I are expanded and reinforced. Students are introduced to irrational numbers and advanced factoring methods.

Level K introduces students to types of functions, such as exponential and trigonometric, and their corresponding graphics, The skills developed here will ease students in to the calculus exercises of Level M.

Level L marks the beginning of calculus. Students begin by studying logarithmic functions, followed by basic differentiation and definite and indefinite integration. The level concludes with an analysis of applications of integration, including areas, volumes, velocity and distance.

Level M marks the beginning of the calculus levels. Students begin by studying series and sequences and continue on to basic differentiation and definite and indefinite integration. Level M concludes with an analysis of the applications of integration.

Level N, students move beyond basic calculus applications learned in Level M to topics in vector analysis and linear algebra. To complete the level, students study mappings and transformations.

Level O builds upon topics learned in Level M and introduces students to a more advanced study of series and sequences, limits and differentiation. Students also experience the applications of differential calculus, specifically with regard to minima and maxima.

Cover various topics more in depth e.g Triangles, Vectors, vectors and application of vectors etc, Matrix definitaions, matrix multiplications, mapping etc,

A great milestone coming up, your child entering Grade one!

Be prepared early...........Our Early Learner Program is growing rapidly. Please consider enrolling the younger siblings too. When all children in a family are enrolled in the program, doing Kumon homework naturally becomes part of the family routine - even over vacations. If any of your children are going to enroll in Grade I in September, then this is an especially good time for them to join Kumon.                                 
Dear Parents,

We have officially "sprung forward," bringing longer days and the promise of spring. This time of year also brings increase in activities: soccer, baseball, track, swimming and simply getting outside to play after a winter thaw. Additionally, students may find pressure from school to complete the curriculum before the year ends, meaning a pile-up of projects and homework.

Even with additional activities and the pull of the outdoors, I encourage you to keep Kumon as a part of your daily routine. Naturally, you may encounter some spring fever resistance! Consistent Kumon study will ensure your child stays on track, keeping skills finely tuned.

These skills will serve kids over time. One former student, MIT undergraduate Frederick Wang said: You might be surprised to hear that some people at MIT are struggling with math, but it happens. I see some kids in my dorm staying up all night trying to get their homework done. Not me. Kumon gave me a strong math background so that I didn't struggle with my homework like some of my peers.

Learning math is like climbing a staircase: each step is essential to move up to the next. If just one step is weak or broken, it can result in the student sliding backwards and losing confidence. Mathematics enables mankind to unlock cosmic mysteries, achieve break-through understanding of chromosomal structure or disease prevention - and create mind-blowing technology.

Don't we all want our children be prepared for the higher education they need in order to obtain work that is challenging, fulfilling and impacts the world around them? That is my greatest hope for all my students!

Kumon worksheets may appear basic and repetitive - yet they serve to instill the skills that, once mastered, serve as building blocks to more challenging mathematics.

It was gratifying to hear from parents in the last three weeks following school reports. Some called to share that their children's school teachers actually commented how disciplined, focused and organized their child had become! We don't just teach math and reading. Our program fosters many other skills that help to develop independent learners.

Please do get in touch if you need to adjust your workload or schedule in order to keep up with spring activities. I am always available for a parent conference and highly recommend that you schedule one every 6 months.                                 
Sanjit Kaur