How Can The Problem Of “Boredom”
Be Handled Effectively?
“One, two, plenty…”
- Tasmanian Method of Counting
Anything children do can either be boring or fun depending on their mood, how demanding the task is and their perception of its purpose. While some children enjoy swimming, others complain that it is tedious. While some kids love going to summer camp, others moan and groan about it.
When children study worksheets, some of them might utter the word “boring” at some point, especially if first suggested by a peer. It is helpful to understand exactly why a child might say that the assignments are “boring” to them. After all, many students really enjoy completing their assignments. Whether racing against the clock, striving for 100%, or because they enjoy being praised by their parents, many children look forward to completing their daily assignments.
In the beginning stages of Kumon study, nearly all children react favorably to the work. If at all, the word “boring” may sometimes be heard in a subsequent level of study when problems become more challenging and real effort is required. Often, boring really means “too difficult” or “too many pages per day.” As long as the child is studying at the “just-right” level, comfortably advancing day by day, and earning praise, the child should not feel bored. If this happens, parents can help by encouraging perseverance when their child is experiencing difficulty. If the student continues to complain that the work is “boring,” an assessment by the Instructor may be necessary.
Children thrive in an environment in which there is absolute clarity of expectations. Once a regular routine has been established most children react favorably to it, because it will become an activity with which they are accustomed to. Children enjoy meeting expectations and earning recognition. Kumon study provides an excellent opportunity for daily recognition and positive reinforcement.
Not everything children do is necessarily fun. There are days in adults’ lives during which we must do something that is rather monotonous (commuting, laundry, etc.), but we do these things anyway. We perform these tasks because their completion is necessary to keep our lives running smoothly. If your child were to say, “I don’t want to go to school anymore…” would you acquiesce to such protests? Parental perseverance, as well as enthusiasm for the child’s progress, are the most effective ways of handling this challenge.