Monday, December 7, 2009

What can you do to make a difference in the life and future of your child?

I have posted these 3 video you tube links for my Kumon families. If you are interested in knowing what the latest statistics and trends in the field of education are in America, then you cannot afford to miss these short, but extremely informative videos. Please feel free to pass on the links or the blog website address to fellow parents.

While the statistics and the focus of the message covers the American Education system, the questions we must ask ourselves are, "Can we relate to any of this?" "Could this statistic include our child too at some point?” “Does what happens in America affect us here in Canada?” By relating this to a wider thought of 'Western Education' rather than just 'American Education' we allow ourselves to see the bigger picture. In addition because the U.S. and Canada are so strongly aligned, the information in these videos is vital to helping parents develop tools to address the most important question of all: "What can I do to make a difference in the life and future of my child?"

2 Million Minutes Offers Exclusive Video of Whitney Tilson

When it was announced that Whitney Tilson was going to be giving a speech in Washington D.C. about closing the achievement gap, the 2 Million Minutes crew packed their gear and headed up to the nation's capital to capture it. Tilson is vice chairman of KIPP Academy Charter Schools in NYC, co-founder of the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, and a director of Democrats for Education Reform, a group of Democrats who support parent and student choice in schools and diversity in available education opportunities in service of that choice.

This most informative presentation is in 3 parts with the you tube video links given below. Please copy n paste if you are not able to click on the link directly to open them.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

What I found quite interesting and thought provoking was the statement in the the last video which shows how it is mainly the 'Adults' or the 'Educators' or the 'system' itself that are benefitting today from the education system of today. Unfortunately it is the children, our children, that are largely left to suffer the consequences in the long run. Having said that, of course we must take this with a pinch of salt, for we all have memories and moments with teachers and educators that have made every difference to our personal lives and continue to do so in the lives of our children by giving so much of themselves personally as well as professionally.